Pension option to VRS optees and others
Letter regarding Karnataka HC judgement
Welcome to VBRA
I take liberty to request you to become a member of the Vijaya Bank Retirees’ Association. VBRA is affiliated to All India Bank Retirees’ Federation an organization of retirees irrespective of the grades/position they held while in the Bank and also the union affiliations while in service. In almost all banks there are single organization for retirees. As there are no functional clashes after retirement there is no sense in having cadre-wise organizations as it would weaken the movement.
Further the office bearers of VBRA as well as AIBRF are those who were office bearers of activists in various officers’ and workmen organization. For example the present General Secretary of AIBRF is the retired Gen: Manager of Bank of India and the President was GM, Central Bank of India. In almost all banks retired Chairman to Sub-staff are members of the single retirees’ organization. VBRA also consists of retired Gen: Managers to Sub-staff.
1) To represent and sort out the difficulties arising out of implementation of second option for pension.
2) To secure the arrears of basic pension till 2005 that is legally due to those retired after 01-11-1997 till 01-11-2002.
3) Secure 100% neutralization of DA for those who retired prior to 1.11.2002- this is a clear case of discrimination.
4) Revision of pension as and when revision of salary takes place for those in service.
5) Substantial medical benefits to retirees.
6) Substantial increase in family pension.
These are all reasonable and hence realizable demands provided collective efforts are made under the banner of a single All India organization.We are also perusing the issue of denial of weightage of service to those retired under VRS, legally and organizationally.